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We have lots of volunteers who take part in and enjoy many worthwhile volunteering opportunities at our libraries. There are activities for everyone, whatever your age, experience or the amount of time you are able to give.

Volunteering information

Some of the most popular volunteering opportunities are detailed below.

Volunteering Opportunities

Opportunity Description

Home Library Service

Delivering library resources to users who are unable to visit their local library

Computer Tutor

Helping learners new to computers in library learning suites

Reading Group Facilitator

Provide support to readers who are keen to discuss literature, poetry and the wider world

Summer Reading Challenge

Every Summer we recruit volunteers aged from 13 to 17 years to help encourage children to sign up and read six books. Volunteers also help with gaming, crafts events and recording audiobooks blurbs to assist our visually impaired readers.

Next steps

If you have a few hours to spare and are interested in volunteering in libraries ask at your local library or contact us on

We’ll ask you to complete an application form, meet us to discuss possibilities and give us the names of two referees. For some roles, such as working with vulnerable adults or children, we will ask you to complete a Disclosure check.